
Arts on Sunday interview with Lyn Freeman re Yvonne Rust

Listen to a radio interview with Theresa Sjoquist about Yvonne Rust, QSM, and the the writing of her biography, Yvonne Rust: Maverick Spirit.

Spat on Ninety Mile Beach in New Zealand

Tractor specially fitted for Spat harvesting

  Chris and Rhonda Hensley at Houhora, 40kms north of Kaitaia, are spat collectors.  Chris, who was raised at Ngataki, and Ronda, also manage a mussel farm and have a feijoa orchard. “I began helping collect mussel spat for distribution to mussel farmers with Dad in 1978,” says Chris. “Until then MAF had been the […]

Bowen Therapy for NZ Horses

Helen Peart, Bowen Therapy practitioner, with horse

New Zealand Bowen Therapist, Helen Peart, applies this alternative healing mode to horses with huge success. Bowen Therapy centres around the fascial tissue in the body and incorporates specific movements applied in sequence to acupuncture and acupressue points. The treatment incorporates a timed interval between each movement, allowing the fascia to release, and in a […]

Emu Farming in New Zealand

Emus with plenty of rom to run - Photo Theresa Sjoquist

Emu Farming – a brief outline of farming emus, and the health-enriching oil they’re farmed for. IMPORTANT: This is the website of a Writer. We do not sell emus, emu eggs, or know where to get them from.  Emus are farmed for the fat laden saddle across their backs which is rendered for omega rich […]

1862 Albertland NZ Pioneer – Port Albert’s First Police Constable

Constable Thomas Inger in his old age with his family and the new Port Albert printing press - Photo courtesy of Albertland Museum, Wellsford, New Zealand

Pioneer police constable, Thomas Inger, kept the settlement of Port Albert in Northland, New Zealand, within the law. Thomas Inger was the first policeman at Port Albert in Northland, New Zealand, and he took his post seriously. Max, now 81, is Thomas’s great grandson, and tells us a little about life in early Albertland. Albertland […]