Charlie the Commentator – 2

                Charlie is only interested in anomalies (and cuddles).  Same, same doesn’t do it for him (unless it’s cuddles – that’s different). Ten fingers aren’t enough…he’s only interested in the one with a ring on it. A chain isn’t enough, he’s only interested in the catch.  A small […]

Charlie the Commentator – 1

Assistance likes to give Charlie a wide range of foods so he remains easy to feed without developing an expensive palate. For a cockatiel, Charlie consumes monstrous amounts of vegetables, and is particularly fond of lettuce – could eat a whole one. Charlie is also fond of sunflower seeds, and being yet young at 13 […]

Introducing Charlie the Commentator

Charlie is still young, fresh out of the egg at only twelve weeks old. While he seems somewhat dim in rather a large number of departments, Charlie is brighter than most suspect. For instance, having learned to plummet to the floor with the savagely clipped wings he came with (so bad he cannot even glide), […]

Dog Psychology

With the recent spate of dog attacks in New Zealand, and the news that last year 11,708 dog attacks were reported to ACC, this article may be useful in helping to reduce the number of attacks, what to do in an attack, and how to manage dogs so that they are less likely to attack. […]

Pet Cockatiel Care

Photo Theresa Sjoquist

The small native Australian parrot, the cockatiel, makes one of the best pet birds. It is a relatively calm bird, easily trained, and happy with less than a huge cage, especially once it is tame and can be let out. The minimum size of a cage for one or possibly two cockatiels, is 32cm x […]