A bloom, a branch, a seed, a twig, a tree; nature’s silent peace.
The current images of Flora were photographed within New Zealand.
- Sunfliower
- Tane Mahuta
- Cypress after rain
- Fuschia
- Pink Rose
- Pine Needle
- Camellia
- Bougainvillea
- Ladybug on Young Hemp Plant pleasing proof of the lack of pests
- Peach blossom
- Zuchini Flower
- Open Hoja – 2
- Black Cale flower
- SunflowerOne
- Hoja flower ready to open – 1
- Swan Plant Seed Pod
- Onion weed – Spring 2018 – 1
- Summer on the deck
- Courgette-Zucchini
- Evening Bougainvillea 2
- After the rain
- Orchid 1
- Comfrey 1
- Radish Flower
- Broad beans – 1
- Winter Pine needles
- Bark Two
- Summer creeper
- Winter Willow Scene
- Windy Toitoi
- Evening Rose
- Swan Plant Seed Pods
- Evening Bougainvillea
- Ti Tree Flower 1
- Rose after rain
- Evening Bougainvillea 1
- Sansevieria beginning to bud
- Geranium After Rain
- Feijoa Blossom
- Leuchadenron
- Pine branch
- After the rain – 1
- Baby butternut
- Pink Rose Two
- Bark
- Fungi One
- Mint – 2
- Comfrey
- Loquats
- Baby Butternuts
- Mint – 1
- Ti Tree flower
- Pittasporum crassifolium – 1
- Bark One
- Hibiscus
- Fungi
- House Flower
- Leuchadendron One
- Flowering Convolvulus – 1
- In the garden
- Eclipsed Rose
- Orchid 1
- Hemp