Entries by Theresa Sjoquist

Not Doing It Right

I have a couple of young cockatiels, under six months old.  It turns out that the boy is a girl and the girl, a boy.  I have no issue with that – they’re both the lovliest little birds and very affectionate. I found out I had their gender wrong when I noticed that the boy […]

NZ Painter – Stephanie Sheehan

Brief profile of New Zealand painter, Stephanie Sheehan, who counts among her greatest influences, Yvonne Rust, Tony Fomison and Philip Clairemont Stephanie Sheehan is feisty enough to make you want to pick your words around her, and she doesn’t mince her own. Her paintings express some of that same quality. Challenging Works Usually frameless and […]

Gratitude is Actually Love

Gratitude acknowledges. It affirms, says yes.  It says, I accept.  These characteristics seem to me to be direct replicas of the characteristics of love which certainly acknowledges, affirms, and says I accept. Love is an expansive thing.  Things don’t die of love usually.  They die because they aren’t getting any love or enough of it. […]

Gratitude is the Fastest Way to Get Happy

Gratitude is the fastest way to get happy because we are only ever grateful for things we can appreciate.  It is a physical impossibility to be grateful and hateful at the same time.  Gratitude is a feeling so if you’re feeling grateful or appreciative, that excludes any other feelings. If we’re really interested in being […]

Gratitude is a Feeling

Many of us feel that we aren’t appreciated, whether it’s at home, in our relationships, or on the job, but it’s interesting sometimes to do a careful assessment of how much appreciation we actually give. If we don’t give, how can we expect to receive, and this  applies also to appreciation and gratitude.  According to […]