Entries by Theresa Sjoquist

Pekin Duck Farming in New Zealand

Farming Pekin Ducks for eggs in New Zealand is providing a lucrative income for Pete and Katie Mitchell who supply to the NZ Asian market. IMPORTANT: This is the website of a Writer. We do not sell, ducks, or duck eggs, and we do not know where to get them from. Pekin Ducks There are […]

A Happy New Year

Nobody here but me and a blank screen, and the birdies, Jupiter and Chickie. So many people will be back to work today.  Will they have considered the year ahead and opportunity to review how they live?  Who can say, but I have, aided rather inadvertently by the reading of a couple of books over […]

Avocado Growing in New Zealand

Avocado growing in NZ – a brief look at an avocado orchard in Northland, New Zealand, and the growing conditions, pollination, pollinisers, and harvesting. Gavin Woolsey and his wife, Trish have cultivated more than 4,000 avocado trees in a small corner of northern New Zealand which provides the precise growing conditions ideal for the green […]

Sleep You

Sleep you tightly in your dreams May you find warmth in them, and comfort May the light fly off them Like prism beams May your feet touch the ground lightly Your skin grasp the air When morning comes knocking and knocking Whispering in your ear