Entries by Theresa Sjoquist

The 1920 Te Kao Farming Scheme

The institution of the Te Kao Dairying Scheme saved the district from starvation and ultimately resulted in the development of the Far North. During the 1920’s at Te Kao, 46kms short of Cape Reinga, typhoid, rheumatic fever, and TB were rife, and accidents in the gumfields common. The road consisted of a rough track and […]

Simple is Best

I will always advocate for a broad and more varied vocabulary.  One should use the most accurate words to succinctly convey one’s ideas. In writing however, the most effective communication occurs when simple language, not simplistic, but simple language is used and ideas are clearly and logically presented. The core purpose of effective communication is to create understanding […]

Metaphysics – Infinite Subject

Metaphysics, broadly speaking, is the examination of the nature of reality, especially non-physical reality. Metaphysics might include such topics as astrology, quantum physics, universal intelligence or the life force, telepathy, the relationship between thought and manifestation, other dimensions (such as the existence of another 47 as claimed by Stephen Hawking), and other such subject matter. […]


Management of Biographical Research

    It’s a good idea to think through the practicalities of managing a lot of research data, both hard copy and digital. It’s surprising how often a biographer will go back to a source for more information. You need to be able to put your finger quickly on information which links to new material […]

Dragline – Opening up Northern New Zealand

Draglines and their skilled operators opened up Northern NZ but hydraulics have largely replaced them; despite the lesser reach of a hydraulic machine. In Northland, New Zealand, draglines were critical to opening up much of the swamp-ridden region, thereby enabling its conversion to farm land. Draglines Provide Swamp Excavation Sixty years ago draglines became widely […]